15 Favourite 4WD Accessories You Must Have

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A favourite past time for a lot of Aussie families is hitting the road and going 4WDing, whether it’s a day trip, weekend away or extended trip. the perfect way to escape from work or school and lose yourself in nature. However, you need more than just your 4WD to have a successful trip you need a range of 4WD accessories! We’re here to tell you about the top accessories we recommend, so that you stay safe and comfortable while you travel.

Our team have collaborated to come up with a list of our top 4WD accessories. They’ll keep you and your family safe while 4WDing, increase your comfort and have you ready to tackle any situation that may arise. When you’re tucked away in the bush, hours or even days away from help, it pays to be prepared! That way, all you have to worry about is having fun and making memories with your family!

Water-crossing bra and snorkel

This one always has people talking. While it has a funny name, water-crossing bras are essential for travelling through deep water, like rivers for example. Protect your 4WD’s equipment, including the expensive electronics, by putting on the water bra before crossing water.

Snorkels are also essential for going through water, as they help the air intake increase and stop water from entering the engine.

Bull bar

Animals, like kangaroos, can do a lot of very expensive damage if they hit your car and will likely cut your journey short. Lessen their impact by installing a bull bar on the front of your 4WD; it will protect you and your family, and also keep important parts of the car, like your engine, safe from extensive damage.

Navara Snorkel
Large (long range) fuel tank

Often, when you’re going on long journeys, particularly to remote areas, a standard tank often doesn’t have the capacity needed to get you the whole way. Petrol stations don’t exist in the deepest parts of the bush, so get a long-range fuel tank installed to avoid running out of fuel and getting stranded.

Jerry cans and water tanks

Stored water is essential. Always keep a supply of drinking water on hand. In most cases you won’t be able to drink water you find in bores or creeks, for example. If the worst happens and you get stuck, having water is invaluable in helping you survive, especially in the harsh Australian heat.

All terrain tyres

These tyres will help you conquer any terrain and they are a lot less likely to puncture as well. The further off-road you go, the more these will be a worthwhile and vital investment.

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Tyre repair kit and spare tyres

Since you won’t find a tyre shop in the bush, it’s important to have spare tyres on hand so that you’re not stranded if you have a blow out or puncture a tyre.

A tyre repair kit is one of the best small investments you can make. A tyre repair kit can help you fix your tyre just enough to make it back to town, where you can flag down assistance or pop into a repair shop. If you’ve had horribly bad luck and have popped your tyre and your spare, you can patch one of them to get yourself out of trouble for the time being. In our opinion this one is a non-negotiable.

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Satellite phone and UHF radio

City folk often forget that 3G or 4G is not available everywhere, even in our highly advanced country. You won’t always get reception in the outback and if you need help you can’t rely on another car to come by – it could be days before you see another 4WD, if you see one at all.

In the unfortunate case of emergency, you’ll be grateful you had your satellite phone and UHF radio on hand, as it may be the difference between getting medical assistance or not.

If you are travelling with friends, they are ideal for keeping communication channels open, advising each other of hazards if you see them first as well as communicating path changes, route changes or general updates.

12V fridge

There’s nothing wrong with wanting cold drinks when camping! A 12V fridge will keep your drinks and food cool and provide you with more options when planning your meals for the trip. Catch fish and keep them cool until you cook them, and store beers for those fireside chats with mates.

First aid kit

Even if you have been successful in calling for help, depending on where you are, it can take time for help to reach you. Having a well-stocked first aid kit is essential in keeping an injured person stable until help arrives. For example, bandages can control bleeding until help arrives and the wound can be stitched or glued as needed. Having a first aid kit on board is for peace of mind and being able to help others you come across who may need medical assistance.

Backup battery system

This one’s self-explanatory; a backup battery is incredibly important to have on hand in case the first battery fails. Start your engine with the backup battery and keep your lights and fridge running too. Retaining a form of power as backup is essential for travelling, especially for  those who travel away from towns, cities, etc.

Cargo barrier and drawers

Cargo barriers are so important to have in the back of your 4WD to prevent things you’ve packed becoming projectiles in the case of an accident. Drawers keep all your belongings organised, so you won’t be stuck sifting through all your stuff to find something you need.

Roof rack

Roof racks are a  great way to pack larger items that won’t fit in the back of your 4WD. Things like surfboards, surf skis, tents, swags, etc. can be stored on roof racks.

Tool kit and spare parts

Being out bush means it can take days for mechanics to reach you, so it’s important to have a well-stocked tool kit and some spare parts on hand to get you out of minor trouble. They’ll help you make it back to town where you can get full repairs carried out, if needed. Tool kits are also handy for fixing things around a campsite – maybe you need a hammer to push tent pegs into a harder than expected surface.

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Heavy duty suspension

Carrying a larger load is much safer with heavy duty suspension. It can handle the extra weight better than standard suspension, which reduces unnecessary wear and tear on your 4WD and helps lessen the need for what can be expensive repairs.

If you need further advice, call us on (07) 3269 3158 or book a job using the button below. We are located 113 Connaught Street Sandgate QLD 4017. Feel free to visit us at any time.

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Drop by our workshop at 101 Connaught St, Sandgate, QLD

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