Auto Air Conditioning Repair: When to Visit an Expert

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Your car’s air conditioning system needs regular maintenance at least once every two years to ensure that it’s working properly. Due to natural wear and tear, your car’s AC system may develop a fault, making it less effective in providing cool air. This article will walk you through the important things you need to know about auto air conditioning repair and how to find out when your car’s AC needs one.

Auto Air Conditioning Service vs. Repair

A regular auto air conditioning service maintains your car’s air conditioning system to prevent it from developing faults. It is a preventive maintenance to ensure that your car’s AC is not damaged and is working efficiently. Most manufacturers require that you do this once every two years, however, old cars and old auto AC units are recommended to undergo an AC service once a year.

The services included in a regular car air conditioning service may vary depending on your car’s needs. It typically includes the following:

  • Inspection of drive belts, pulleys, hoses, and components
  • Valves and thermostats operation check
  • Check for refrigerant leaks
  • Refill refrigerant oil when necessary
  • Checking of condenser temperature
  • Suction line temperature reading
  • Check air vent temperature
  • Check for failure in any AC component

When a failure or damage is found after checking the AC during a service maintenance, it will be recommended for an auto air conditioning repair. The type of repair will depend on what AC component is damaged.

6 Symptoms that Your Car Needs Auto Air Conditioning Repair

Sometimes, you don’t need to wait for your next auto air conditioning service schedule to notice that your auto air conditioning system is no longer working properly. There are different warning signs that your car’s AC needs special attention. Below are six common symptoms to watch out for:

1. Weak or Warm Airflow

When you turn your car’s air conditioner on and all you get is weak or warm airflow even after several minutes of waiting, it is an obvious sign that you need to have it checked. Weak or warm airflow may be due to one of many possible issues, such as follows:

  • It may just be out of refrigerant.
  • The air has trouble reaching your air vents because of accumulated mold and mildew in the evaporator core.
  • The vents or the AC unit itself is clogged by debris.
  • The hose or connections may have leaks or have come loose.
  • The ventilation fan is fried.
  • The cooling fan is damaged.

It’s important not to ignore this symptom because aside from it being uncomfortable, the damage may also get worse when not fixed immediately.

2. Foul Smell

If you notice foul odours coming out of your vents when you turn on your car’s AC, it could be a sign that your cabin air filter is dirty or needs to be replaced. It could also be due to mold growth in your air conditioning unit or the evaporator case.

When you notice a nasty, sweat-like odour when you turn your car’s air conditioner on, make sure to have it checked and repaired immediately as the foul smell can cause respiratory health problems.

3. Unusual Noises

Another obvious symptom of a failing auto air conditioning system is when it makes weird noises when it’s turned on. If you hear a rattling, vibrating, or banging sound, it may be a sign that your car’s AC needs cleaning. Unusual noises may be a cause of debris that is clogged in your vents. However, it could also be a warning sign that something has turned loose inside the system or worse, a component is broken.

When you start to hear unusual noises when you turn your AC on, it’s best to immediately visit an auto repair shop that specialises in air conditioning repair to have it diagnosed.

4. Starts Cool Then Suddenly Turns Warm

When you turn on the AC, the air starts cool. But then after a few minutes or so, it suddenly turns warm. There could be several possible reasons why this is happening, such as the following:

  • The expansion valve is clogged or blocked, which is why the refrigerant can’t flow into the evaporator.
  • A fuse may have been blown, which causes certain components to stop working.
  • The compressor clutch is damaged, which is why it can’t maintain the correct pressure.
  • The refrigerant may be leaking, which causes the air to turn warm.
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5. Unusual Water Stains

It’s normal for the water to drain out from the bottom of your car after you’ve turned on the air conditioner for a while. However, if you see water stains or water pooling inside your car, then it may be a sign that the drain at the bottom of your car is either damaged or clogged, causing the water to back up. The water will flow to your car – pooling near the front floor mats – under the dash.

6. Air Conditioning System Leaks

Leaks can sometimes be difficult to spot. Usually, you need the help of a professional to find where the leaks are. Leaks are caused by age and moisture. If your car’s AC unit is old and has not undergone a preventive service maintenance for quite some time, it may be that the rubber seals and hoses have lost their elasticity and have broken down, causing the leaks.

Another cause of leaks is when moisture is mixed with refrigerant, which can create a corrosive acid that can destroy your AC unit or some of its components. Leaks can lead to other more serious damage and problems – so it’s best to have your auto AC serviced regularly to check your car’s AC for possible leaks. If you suspect a leak, be sure to visit a professional right away for some auto air conditioning repair work.

Auto AC Service or Auto AC Repair?


Over time, your car’s AC system will get worn, and the air conditioning gases in your car will escape from the AC system. A regular service maintenance is necessary to help ensure that you keep your air conditioning system in best condition. This service maintenance also helps diagnose certain faults or damages in your AC system that you may not yet be aware of. Early diagnosis can help fix the problem immediately before it gets worse.

When you car’s AC unit is not working as efficiently as before, there might be something wrong with it. If you notice any of the above symptoms of a failing AC system, it’s best to immediately bring it to a credible auto repair shop for a possible auto air conditioning repair.

For more information, call us at (07) 3269 3158

or visit our workshop in 113 Connaught Street Sandgate QLD 4017

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