Is Your 4×4 Vehicle Off-Road Ready?

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So, you are ready to head ‘off-road’, you’ve got the 4wd packed, you’re all set….. but are you? Here at Sandgate we want you to not only be safe but also want to help you to minimise any potential hiccups along the way. While accidents are not planned for, they do happen and often at the most inconvenient times, this is why we have collated this helpful list to assist you in preparing your vehicle for your off-road adventure.


While we hope you don’t need to use this word while away it is important to be prepared. Usually if you are going off-road you will not be close to amenities, making it extremely difficult to solve issues you may be having. Because of this, we have designed a basic list of things we suggest you pack when going off track:

  • First aid kit- the reason is obvious, in case someone gets hurt. Make sure it is stocked before each trip, hopefully it won’t be needed, but better to be safe than sorry.
  • Spare tyre- yep, it happens, more often than we like to admit. Make sure you have a spare on board and the tools to change the tyre.
  • Tow strap- if you are braving the terrain, there is always the possibility that you may hit some issues, such as getting bogged. Having a tow strap on board will be a blessing if you find yourself in this situation.
  • Shovel- this ones goes hand in hand with the tow strap, it can be extremely useful in the case of any unfortunate bogging.
  • Spare key-you would not believe how often we hear of people needing their spare key- for a variety of reasons, take our advice-take the spare key and keep it somewhere handy!!
  • Basic tool kit- the benefits of having one of these on board is endless, they are SO handy!
  • LED light in case it’s dark and your vehicle is not cooperating.

While having these necessities on board will not eliminate the chance of anything not going according to plan, they will be very well appreciated if anything unfortunate does occur. We want to ensure you are equipped to handle most situations, and don’t forget we are always only a phone call away.

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Prepare your tyres

Travelling off-road in your 4×4 is an exciting time, and you want your vehicle to be ready, however one of the most important things to check is your tyres. They are the ones bearing the brunt of the trip! Make sure you have:

  • Checked the pressure of all tyres
  • Checked the nuts and bolts are tightened and secure
  • Check the amount of tread left on the tyre, you want to ensure you have sufficient grip to travel safely.
  • Check for imperfections on the tyres, in particular cracks.

Once you have gone over all the tyres if you notice anything that doesn’t look 100%, feel free to contact one of our helpful experts, we are happy to answer any questions and help in any way we can, your safety and enjoyment are very important to us.

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Belts and Hoses

We are referring to the belts and hoses under your vehicles bonnet, imperative elements in ensuring the safe and effective running of your vehicle. Assuming your belts and hoses are OKAY, when there could be issues can result in an overheated engine, loss of power steering or the loss of the electrical charging system. And let’s face it, we do not want this happening when you are travelling. Experts recommend changing all hoses every 4 years or when one fails. Here are some hints on how to check your belts and hoses:

  • A good hose will have a firm but pliant feel.
  • Inspect for cracks and bulges or fraying near the connection points (of hoses).
  • Look for signs of glazing, fraying, cracks or splits.

Steering & Alignment

Your 4×4 needs to be well equipped to be hitting all sorts of terrains without any trouble. The steering wheel is a very important component of your vehicle, so it is imperative that you check your alignment, while also ensuring there are no leaks. Going off-road generally means you will not be travelling along a nice, maintained, secure road, it means you will possibly be encountering ditches, logs, potholes anddips while travelling on unfamiliar roads. Due to all these potential situations it is even more important to ensure your steering and alignment is spot on, it will help to avoid any misjudgements while driving.

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Ensuring your vehicles bearings, shocks, springs, and linkage are in optimum working order is central to ensuring you don’t experience an overly rough ride. Your suspension system needs to be checked before embarking on any trip, while you may want adventure; comfort and safety should also be a priority.

While you may be wanting to explore our country and travel different terrains, it is important to ensure that your 4×4 is off-road ready. Our Staff at Sandgate are highly experienced and are more than happy to help you with all your maintenance needs. We value you-our customers, we understand that your getaway is important, and we value you and your needs. We also respect your vehicle, 4×4’s are a passion of ours, we know the ins and outs of all models and want to help to ensure your vehicle is ‘off-road ready’. If you would like a free quote or to book in a service, or simply have a chat about your upcoming trip and getting your vehicle ready feel free to give us a call. We look forward to hearing from you.

If you need further advice, or for a certified technician to assess your 4×4 vehicle, call us on (07) 3269 3158 or reach out to us. We are located 113 Connaught Street Sandgate QLD 4017. Feel free to visit us at any time.

Contact Us

Give Us a Call at (07) 3269 3158

Drop by our workshop at 101 Connaught St, Sandgate, QLD

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